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by Eqoria Reach

4/20/21, 9:00 PM

On April 21st, 2021, EQORIA, United Citizens of Earth has released the 'first version' of the EQORIA Earth Constitution.

On April 21st, 2021, EQORIA, United Citizens of Earth has released the 'first version' of the EQORIA Earth Constitution.

EQORIA Earth Consortium Legislation Committee is responsible for establishing and optimizing EQORIA Earth Constitution to declare EQORIA Universal Identity of EQORIA, United Citizens of Earth, to define and present the identity of EQORIA Earth Consortium, to define and present the identity of Earth Citizens, to create the Planetarian Singularity Infrastructure, to identify EQORIA Spaces and Infrastructure System and to establish guiding principles and identity of EQORIA Harmonism.

EQORIA Earth Consortium Legislation Committee constitutes several committee organs in order to establish and optimize the structure of the EQORIA Earth Constitution.

All committee members are experts on various fields related to Earth Resources and Earth Citizens which includes up to 9 million known Earth Species.

Click to learn more about EQORIA EARTH CONSTITUTION.

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The content displayed on the EQORIA website may be partial or incomplete, semi-clear, not final, and subject to further harmonization. Thank you for your patience.

All Content is a collective effort as EQORIA, United Earth is an ownerless system.
There are no owners, founders, or controllers. We are protectors, initiators, collaborators, architects, engineers, and sponsors who are simply contributing Earth Citizens registered at EQORIA.
© कॉपीराइट

© 2012 कॉपीराइट। EQORIA। सभी अधिकार सुरक्षित।

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140 ब्रॉडवे, न्यूयॉर्क, एनवाई 10005, यूएसए

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